
Showing posts from 2021

Dark Hole (2021)

Synopsis: The story begins to tense when the Muji city falling into chaos because of the dark smoke that causes people to turn into monsters. There, people inhale a mysterious dark smoke and turn into monsters. The residents all became terrified and start to save their life. Here, Lee Hwa-Sun played by Kim Ok-Vin is a detective at the regional investigation unit of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency. She travels to Muji City in order to find the person who murdered her husband. Meanwhile, Yoo Tae-Han played by Lee Joon-Hyuk is a permanent resident there and he was a detective. He later joins Lee Hwa-Sun to save people in Muji City. My Thought: Overall, this drama is indeed a great and satisfying drama to watch. Nowadays, there are many Korean drama/movie that tell the story of zombies, this story also shows the existence of zombies. The zombies in this drama change due to the black smoke they inhaled. Those who inhaled acted as if their minds were controlled by other monster. Obvious...